Everyone with a backyard should have these seven essential types of items on hand to make your backyard the place to be. Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, or someone who has friends and family with young children, you are going to want to read this post to find out what to have to ensure the little ones are entertained all day.
Gotta Have ‘Em
- Kiddie Furniture
- Sporting Equipment
- Ride on Toys
- Climbing Toys
- Water play
- Hiding Place
- Games

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Kids want to do what the adults do. If you’re relaxing on a lounge chair, the kids are going to want to relax on a lounge chair. If you’re lying on a hammock, the kids will want to be on the hammock too. What happens when there is just one adult lounge chair or a one-person hammock and you are currently using it? Well, don’t get up, you’ll never get it back. Now if you have a child-sized lounger or hammock as well as the adult version, look how much easier things just got. Having furniture that is sized and designed for kids makes the kids feel special and gives them a place that is all their own. My youngest daughter loved her Little Tykes picnic table so much, she sat at it until she could no longer get her legs under it. Then sat on the table using the bench as a footrest.

My favorite kiddie furniture is made by KidKraft. They make quality furniture that is as functional as it is attractive. This lounge chair also has a matching table and chair set. I just love it.
As an Amazon affiliate, I may earn a small commission from qualified purchases.
Sporting Equipment
Jumping to catch a ball, running after it when they missed it, throwing it directly at their own feet, these things are pure backyard nirvana. You’re going to want to have a bit of everything on hand because there are so many ball games to be played. Will it be Catch or Monkey in the Middle? Will it be dodgeball or kickball? Who knows? Your best bet with small kids is to get a variety pack of balls. They are inexpensive, versatile, and readily available. Kicking and throwing are some of the little kids’ favorite pastimes. You should also pick up some cones, they are versatile items that are often overlooked. You can make a race track, an obstacle course, or even use them as a goal. And don’t forget the ever-popular and inexpensive Frisbee.
Here’s an inexpensive set from Amazon.
Ride On
Even little kids love the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces as they speed along as fast as their little feet can take them. A ride-on toy fosters independent play, helps develop gross and fine motor skills, as well as provides tons of entertainment. For toddlers, a ride-on toy should be self-propelled, with no peddles or motors. Kids three years and older can use peddles or even motorized vehicles. If you do choose a motorized ride-on, please make sure they can use it properly and are supervised.

This is the ride-on I chose for my grandson. It converts 4 different ways. Click here to see current pricing and available styles.
Climb On
All children love to climb, it helps them develop strength and gross motor skills as well as allows them to see the world from a whole new point of view. You don’t need to spend a bundle of money to have something to climb on. When I was a child we had a small hill in the yard and my mother randomly placed bricks and large stones on it to provide footholds and create a great place to climb. If you want something store bought consider the current age of the children and keep in mind room to grow. Also, many climb-on toys also have great places to hide, so bonus, two toys in one.
For around $120 you can’t beat this 3 in 1 climber from Grow N Up. It’s a climber, a rocker, and a bench.

Water Play
Water play is the easiest category. There are so many options, from the garden hose to kiddie pools, from small buckets and cups to water tables and water walls. And bubbles, who hasn’t chased bubbles as a child? Spending a hot afternoon running through the sprinkler is one of the true joys of childhood. The sensory pleasure a small child gets will keep them playing long after their fingers have become shriveled and their lips have turned blue.
We found a bunch of great tables from Step 2. Click to see the amazing selection available on Amazon. My favorite is the Waterpark Wonders Two-Tier Table. You know the kids are climbing in there!
Hide In
You never outgrow the comfort of a small cozy place. Even the most outgoing of small children love a place to hide. It can be to get away from all the action or for a simple game of hide and seek. Providing a safe and entertaining space for a small one to hide is as easy as draping a sheet over two chairs or having a tunnel to crawl through. You can get a tent or build a fort, no matter what you choose the kids will love it. Click the image to see current Amazon pricing.
Nowadays, there are so many backyard games available there is something out there to fit everyone’s taste. This is your opportunity for family time. Everyone loves to play games. Your best bet here is to get games the kids and adults can play together or separately. By that I mean if you are going to get horseshoes, choose the plastic ones, everyone will be able to easily throw them and they are less likely to damage a small child when they get hit with one. Which you know they will.

Even if You Don’t Have Kids
Most of us always spend more than we want on our kid’s toys. But what if you’re just getting things to keep your brothers kids from playing Godzilla in your flower beds, or playing King of the Hill on your brand-new dining table? There are some great inexpensive and thoroughly entertaining options at your local Walmart or even the local dollar store. The most important thing is to be prepared. There is nothing worse than a bored small child.